Start service on boot

OpenWrt does not have update-rc.d or chkconfig. To start a service called service-name on boot, run:

   1 /etc/init.d/service-name enable

Enable SSH from WAN

Place into /etc/firewall.user:

   1 iptables --append input_wan --protocol tcp --dport 22 --jump ACCEPT

When SSH from WAN is enabled, it's probably a good idea to disable password logins via SSH (only public key authentication will be allowed):

   1 sed -i -e "s/'on'/'off'/"  /etc/config/dropbear

will set PasswordAuth option to "off", making /etc/config/dropbear look like:

config dropbear
        option PasswordAuth 'off'
        option Port         '22'

Useful packages




luci frontend for NTP. Will automatically pull in dependencies and start syncing device clock

miniupnpd luci-app-upnp

Enable UPnP so ports in firewall can automatically be opened
