Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2009-12-28 07:14:10
Size: 656
Editor: SamatJain
Revision 7 as of 2010-12-06 21:22:03
Size: 796
Editor: SamatJain
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Android applications I use:
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 * AK Notepad
 * Android Scripting Environment
 * Astrid
 * aTrackDog
 * Backup for root users
 * Barcode Scanner
 * Beelicious
 * Bonsai Blast
 * Brain Genius Deluxe
 * Bubble Beats
 * ConnectBot
 * CrowdPleazer
 * Evernote
 * Finance
 * Google Maps
 * Google Voice
 * K-9 Mail
 * Libre Droid
 * Listen
 * NewsRob
 * NPR
 * NYC Subway Map
 * Mileage
 * Opera Mini
 * Key Ring Reward Cards
 * Rings Extended
 * SayMyName
 * Secrets for Android
 * T-Mobile HotSpot Connect
 * TuneWiki
 * Weatherbug
 * Wikitude World Browser
 * Wireless Tether for Root Users

== Applications I use ==

A more up-to-date list of [Android applications on my phone](http://www.appbrain.com/user/tamasrepus/) is over on my AppBrain.com profile.

== Replacing Gallery3D with Gallery (2D version) ==

Android 2.0 and above (and their respective Cyanogen ports) replace the Android's original 2D Gallery application with a fancy one (known as Gallery 3D) with whiz-bang 3D graphics.

Unfortunately, it's painfully slow on devices like the T-Mobile G2 (HTC Dream) and T-Mobile MyTouch 3G (HTC Sapphire/Magic). However, with a rooted ROM, you can remove the 3D version of the app and replace it with the 2D one.

{{{#!highlight sh
adb shell rm /system/app/Gallery3D.apk
adb push Gallery.apk /system/app/

Applications I use

A more up-to-date list of [Android applications on my phone](http://www.appbrain.com/user/tamasrepus/) is over on my AppBrain.com profile.

Android 2.0 and above (and their respective Cyanogen ports) replace the Android's original 2D Gallery application with a fancy one (known as Gallery 3D) with whiz-bang 3D graphics.

Unfortunately, it's painfully slow on devices like the T-Mobile G2 (HTC Dream) and T-Mobile MyTouch 3G (HTC Sapphire/Magic). However, with a rooted ROM, you can remove the 3D version of the app and replace it with the 2D one.

   1 adb shell rm /system/app/Gallery3D.apk
   2 adb push Gallery.apk /system/app/

SamatsWiki: DotFiles/Android (last edited 2023-04-19 19:32:06 by SamatJain)