Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2010-12-30 05:23:21
Size: 304
Editor: SamatJain
Revision 2 as of 2011-10-20 13:49:46
Size: 210
Editor: SamatJain
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==== Create a WSGI connector for TileStache ==== === MediaGoblin ===
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[[http://tilestache.org/|TileStache]] doesn't have a modern way to be run. It either can use the (slow, insecure) built-in Python webserver, or mod_python, which nobody uses anymore. It should have a WSGI application/connector.  * Export images with metadata embedded as XMP.
 * Import images, extract data from EXIF, XML metadata blocks.
 * Pervasive RDFa and JSON-LD


  1. MediaGoblin


  • Export images with metadata embedded as XMP.
  • Import images, extract data from EXIF, XML metadata blocks.
  • Pervasive RDFa and JSON-LD


SamatsWiki: ProgrammingIdeas (last edited 2018-07-21 20:54:04 by SamatJain)