MarkApp: Building apps with HTML. Widgets and libraries that can be used without writing any JavaScript.
You Might Not Need JavaScript. Various widgets and libraries that are HTML/CSS only.
Hint.css: Pure CSS-only tooltip library
Link colors
background-color: #f2f2f2; /* Sidebar */ background-color: #f7f7f7 text-color: black; a:link { color: #1863a1 } a:visited { color: #751590 } a:focus { color: #0181eb } a:hover { color: #0181eb } a:active { color: #01579f }
Highlight styles
Lorem Ipsum e-mail: background-color: gold, which is the same as Gary Johnson's e-mail campaign: #FFD700
Highlight text-shadow, from
text-shadow: -3px 0px 3px yellow, 3px 0px 3px yellow, 6px 0px 6px yellow, -6px 0px 6px yellow;
Animista: Wizard that lets you browse and create keyframe-based animations
Twitter Bootstrap
Bootstrap themes
Bootswatch. Fave: Lumen theme.
Ems for block widths
- 20em ≈ 320px
- 30em ≈ 480px
- 40em ≈ 640px
- 50em ≈ 800px
- 60em ≈ 960px
- 64em ≈ 1024px
Other appealing widths:
- 56rem
Clearfix is the original method for clearfix. At SitePoint, apparently using overflow: auto also works for container elements.
Font sizes
/* Super-large top-page or mid-page heading */
font-size: 4rem; font-weight: 200;
letter-spacing: 0.8px;
letter-spacing: .06em;
letter-spacing: 03125em;
line-height: 1.25em;
line-height: 1.09em;
line-height: 1.4375rem;
h2 { margin-bottom: 0.3em; }
CSS frameworks
Quoted file sizes are minified + gzipped.
Bulma: CSS framework based on Flexbox. Has widgets available. 19.7 KB
Pure.css. Minimal CSS framework, 3.8 KB. From Yahoo. 6 KB.
Text colors
From (Drupal-powered blog):
- Text: main text is #1d1916 and some lighter text is #4F4F4F
Background colors
- Warm off-white: background-color: hsl(30,90%,98%)