Various notes on CentOS and Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). == Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) == Information about EPEL: {{{#!highlight sh yum install -y epel-release yum-utils # Enable testing repository yum-config-manager --enable epel-testing }}} Inline with Upstream Stable (IUS) at is typically much more up-to-date. It automatically will pull in epel-release as a dependency. {{{#!highlight sh yum install -y }}} Packages like python35u-pip, etc will be available. == Software Collections == Software Collections is another Redhat-supported project for installing newer software on older enterprise distributions. See for more information Redhat's Developer Toolset (see [[CheatSheet/Gcc]]) is available as a Software Collection, and apparently is the preferred way to use it. For example, Redhat-supplied Python 3.5 w/ pip: {{{#!highlight sh yum install -y centos-release-scl-rh yum install -y rh-python35 rh-python35-python-pip source scl_source enable rh-python35 }}} TODO: Find documentation on `scl` command. has a bunch of examples on using SCLs with Docker. uses SCL and Docker. is interesting.