== 6to4 == === Debian configuration === For dynamic IP: {{{ auto 6to4 iface 6to4 inet6 v4tunnel address $(ipv6calc --quiet --action conv6to4 $(wget -O - 'http://ifconfig.me/ip' --quiet)) netmask 16 gateway :: endpoint local $(wget -O - 'http://ifconfig.me/ip' --quiet) post-up service radvd restart post-up service shorewall6 restart post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding post-up ip -6 addr add $(ipv6calc --quiet --action conv6to4 $(wget -O - 'http://ifconfig.me/ip' --quiet))1/64 dev eth0 }}} === Traceroute to nearest IPv6 6to4 router === {{{#!highlight sh numbers=off traceroute }}} (!) Need to discuss 6to4 and link to references == 6rd == For Qwest, from [[https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=37516|OpenWrt's forums]]: {{{#!highlight sh #!/bin/sh MYIPADDRESS=N.N.N.N CLINKPREFIX="2602" CLINKLENGTH=24 CLINK6RDNODE= LANINTF=br-lan WANINTF=pppoe-wan V6IPADDR=$(printf "$CLINKPREFIX:%02x:%02x%02x:%02x00::1\n" $(echo $MYIPADDRESS | tr . ' ')) if [ -n "$V6IPADDR" ]; then ip tunnel del 6rd ip addr add $V6IPADDR/64 dev br-lan ip tunnel add 6rd mode sit local $MYIPADDRESS ttl 64 ip tunnel 6rd dev 6rd 6rd-prefix $CLINKPREFIX::/$CLINKLENGTH ip addr add $V6IPADDR/$CLINKLENGTH dev 6rd ip link set 6rd up ip route add ::/0 via ::$CLINK6RDNODE dev $WANINTF fi }}} there's also == ipv6calc == === Uncompressed IPv6 address === Print fully uncompressed IPv6 address, w/ colons removed (useful for djbdns): {{{#!highlight sh numbers=off ipv6calc 2001:db8::1 --out ipv6addr --printfulluncompressed | sed 's/://g' }}} ---- CategoryCheatSheet