Start service on boot

OpenWrt does not have update-rc.d or chkconfig. To start a service called service-name on boot, run:

   1 /etc/init.d/service-name enable

Enable SSH from WAN

Place into /etc/firewall.user:

   1 iptables --append input_wan --protocol tcp --dport 22 --jump ACCEPT

When SSH from WAN is enabled, it's probably a good idea to disable password logins via SSH (only public key authentication will be allowed):

   1 sed -i -e "s/'on'/'off'/"  /etc/config/dropbear

will set PasswordAuth option to "off", making /etc/config/dropbear look like:

config dropbear
        option PasswordAuth 'off'
        option Port         '22'

Unlock root data partition

OpenWrt sometimes does not unlock the data partition. I've particularly noticed this on the WRT54GL and OpenWrt 10.03.

mtd unlock rootfs_data

Useful packages




luci frontend for NTP. Will automatically pull in dependencies and start syncing device clock

miniupnpd luci-app-upnp

Enable UPnP so ports in firewall can automatically be opened
