= Samat's cryptographic keys = I am an avid user and advocate of public key cryptography. On this page you can find information about my various public keys. Yes, while these keys are on a Wiki page, I am the only one who can edit this page (and in practice, am the only one who edits anything on this Wiki). == OpenPGP == My current OpenPGP key (ID: 0x4A456FBA) has the following information (e-mail addresses have been obfuscated): {{{ sec 4096R/4A456FBA 2009-05-08 [expires: 2017-01-01] Key fingerprint = E95D 7465 5B35 C5F6 B3B6 68CC 20C6 F0A6 4A45 6FBA uid Samat K Jain uid Samat K Jain uid Samat K Jain uid Samat K Jain ssb 4096R/8D18D72F 2009-05-15 }}} You can [[attachment:0x4A456FBA.asc|download my current key]] or [[http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4A456FBA|fetch my current key via public key server]]. [[https://keybase.io/samatjain|I'm on Keybase.IO.]] I have an older key (ID: 0x1A1993D3) that expired in 2011. While still in my control and unrevoked, it's based upon 1024-bit DSA and SHA-160 whose long-term security is dubious. You can still [[attachment:0x1A1993D3.asc|download my old key ]] and [[http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1A1993D3|fetch the old key from a public key server]], but please use the newer one mentioned above. I'd be happy to sign your key with mine, but take note I follow [[http://www.w4kwh.org/keysigning-party-guide/|mainstream keysigning guidelines]]. == Signal (née TextSecure) == --(If you have my phone number (no, you won't find it on this page), my key's fingerprint for [[https://whispersystems.org/|Signal]] (available on [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thoughtcrime.securesms|Android]] and [[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/signal-private-messenger/id874139669?mt=8|iOS]]) is:)-- Signal changes key fingerprints frequently, so the below is out of date. {{{ 05 33 fe 67 33 e3 8b c2 fc 00 84 5b 94 fc cf 7c 43 c2 a1 2a cc 44 79 7e 35 6c 0f 74 da 72 28 8a 7c }}}