Size: 13737
← Revision 104 as of 2024-08-09 18:27:24 ⇥
Size: 9724
Comment: browser.tabs.tabMinWidth
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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This list is current as of Firefox 21.0. | This list is current as of Firefox 62.0. |
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=== Customization === * [[|dotjs]] * [[|Scriptish]], what I've started using as a replacement for [[|Greasemonkey]] * [[|Stylish]] and [[|Stylish Sync]] === Web development === * [[|ColorZilla]] * [[|Firebug]] * [[|JSONView]] * [[|Google's Page Speed]]: I previously used [[|Yahoo's YSlow]], but switched because [[|Page Speed is open-source]]. Functionality is mostly equivalent, and I honestly don't use the extension enough to notice the differences. * [[|Rainbow]] * --([[|Web Developer]])--: has bugs that slows down Firefox significantly when you've a lot of tabs. Disabled, though still useful. === Other stuff === * [[|AutoPager]] * [[|Session Manager]] * [[|Automatic Save Folder]] * [[|CoLT]] * [[|Copy ShortURL]] * [[|Delicious Bookmarks]] * [[|DOMCrypt]] * [[|Dominant Color]] * [[|FlashVideoReplacer]] * [[|Fox to Phone]] * [[|Long URL Please]] * [[|Mobile Barcoder]] * [[|No Squint]] * [[|Open in Browser]] * [[|Proxy Selector]] * [[|Read it Later]] * [[|User Agent Switcher]] * [[|Flattr]] and [[|aFlattr]] === Privacy === * [[|Adblock Plus]] * [[|Flashblock]] * [[|PrivacyChoice TrackerBlock]], which should be installed from [[|PrivacyChoice]] === UI and Behavior === * [[|Aaapptabs]]: Hide back & forward buttons, URL bars when using App Tabs. * [[|Easy App Tabs]] * [[|HTML Desktop Notifications]] * [[|Open In Chrome]]: adds menu item for opening current page in Google Chrome * [[|Personal Menu]] * [[|Remember Passwords]]: force Firefox to remember passwords for Websites that otherwise disable it * [[|SPDY Indicator]] * [[|Tab Badge]] * [[|Upload Progress]] * [[|Unhide Passwords]] === KDE integration add-ons === * [[|Oxygen KDE]] for styling Firefox a little bit better w/ KDE's Oxygen * [[|KDE wallet password integration]] * [[|xclear]] adds a clear button to URL and search fields, ala Qt/KDE text fields === Experimental === * [[|Suspend background tabs]] suspends timers, etc in unused background tabs. === Mozilla/Mozilla Labs === * [[|Add-on Compatibility Reporter]] * [[|Nightly Tester Tools]] * [[|Test Pilot]] === Older stuff === Extensions that I don't use anymore. * [[|Autopagerize]] * [[|BetterPrivacy]] removes Flash LSOs and other tracking cookies * [[|Grab and Drag]]: for my tablet PC pipe dream. * [[|Link Widgets]] * [[|Operator]]: slow (difficult for an extension to parse DOM for microformats). * Collusion * Facebook Blocker * GrabMyBooks == Adblock Plus == My exceptions: {{{ @@||^$document }}} and: * EasyList * Antisocial * Adversity |
Extensions not available on Firefox Add-ons: * [[|Bypass Paywalls for Firefox]] * [[|fx_cast]]: Google Cast implementation for Firefox. Needs browser extension plus OS binary |
Line 118: | Line 24: |
|| browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand || true || Restore tabs on demand (Firefox 8 and later) || || browser.ssl_override_behavior || 2 ||<|2>Turn off annoying SSL certificate behavior || || browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert || true || |
Line 122: | Line 25: |
|| intl.charset.default || UTF-8 || Default character set || | |
Line 125: | Line 27: |
|| network.http.pipelining || true ||<|3> Increase network performance || || network.http.pipelining.ssl || true || || network.http.proxy.pipelining || true || || network.http.sendRefererHeader || 1 || Only send HTTP referer header for links clicked on, not for images/media/etc || |
|| network.http.sendRefererHeader || 1 || Only send HTTP referer header for links clicked on, not for images/media/etc. Breaks some Websites. || |
Line 134: | Line 33: |
|| services.sync.prefs.sync.extensions.nosquint.exceptions || true || Sync NoSquint exceptions w/ Firefox Sync || | |
Line 136: | Line 34: |
|| ui.allow_platform_file_picker || false || Don't use the horrid GTK file picker || | |
Line 139: | Line 36: |
|| extensions.nosquint.exceptions || * * *.google.[*] */~* * * * || Annoying tendency to get overridden… || || extensions.scriptish.enableScriptRefreshing || false || Disable checking if scripts on disk have been modified. Disable when developing scripts || || extensions.scriptish.cache.enabled || true || Cache user scripts and dependencies in memory || |
Line 143: | Line 37: |
|| widget.content.gtk-theme-override || Breeze:light || When using a dark GTK theme, fix colors for widgets in Firefox || | |
Line 144: | Line 39: |
Needs research: * widget.content.allow-gtk-dark-theme from |
|| security.insecure_connection_text.enabled || true ||<|2> Show icon/text that non-HTTPS sites are insecure || || security.insecure_connection_icon.enabled || true || || general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel || false || Disable smooth scrolling for mouse input (should use XInput2 instead) || || toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets || true || Enable support for userChrome.css and userContent.css || || network.dns.disablePrefetchFromHTTPS || false || DNS pre-fetch when using HTTPS || || || true || Enable dark interface for about pages || || ui.systemUsesDarkTheme || 1 || Make Websites think OS is in dark mode (should no longer be necessary?) || || ui.prefersReducedMotion || 0 || More UI animations (sometimes autodetected incorrectly) || || browser.uidensity || 1 || Make UI more compact || || widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker || 1 ||<|5> Use KDE dialogs file picker, etc || || widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.location || 1 || || widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.mime-handler || 1 || || || 1 || || widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.settings || 1 || || ui.prefersReducedMotion || 0 || More UI animations (sometimes autodetected incorrectly) || || browser.tabs.tabMinWidth || 200 || Minimum tab width || |
Line 151: | Line 58: |
|| browser.cache.use_new_backend || 1 || New (2014) cache backend || || dom.cycle_collector.incremental || true || Incremental JavaScript GC (garbage collection) || |
|| network.predictor.enable-prefetch || true || || None in use. |
Line 247: | Line 155: |
[[|How to help testing off-main-thread compositing from the Mozilla Gfx Team Blog]] describes everything that needs to be done. In short: |
Line 252: | Line 158: |
* layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled * layers.offmainthreadcomposition.animate-opacity * layers.offmainthreadcomposition.animate-transform * layers.async-video.enabled and into ~/.bash_profile (warning: this will cause all Firefox, including stable versions, to use OMTC): |
* * layers.omtp.enabled You can also set: * layers.acceleration.draw-fps to display a FPS counter in the top left corner. If you see the counter, than OMTC and layer acceleration are working. [[|722012 – [Meta] Implement OMTC on Linux]] tracks whether OMTC has been enabled on Linux. == Fiddling == To tinker w/ browser styles/events/etc, navigate to chrome://browser/content/browser.xul and launch the built-in developer tools. == External tools == Exports styles from Stylish extension (stored in stylish.sqlite) into a JSON file that can be loaded into Stylus. == KDE integration == Legacy stuff: * [[|mozilla-kde.patch upstream]] * [[|openSUSE/kmozillahelper]]: kmozillahelper for showing file dialogs, etc. Needs mozilla-kde.patch * [[|Plasma Integration Firefox Add-on]] along with `plasma-browser-integration` (available in most Linux distributions) In Firefox 64 and 2019-vintage Linux distributions, can also use "desktop portal" support. * `xdg-desktop-portal` and `xdg-desktop-portal-kde` packages * Set environment variable `GTK_USE_PORTAL=1` for firefox.desktop (or globally once crash in Thunderbird is fixed): |
Line 260: | Line 191: |
export MOZ_USE_OMTC=1 | cp /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/ kwriteconfig5 --file=$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop --group="Desktop Entry" "Exec" "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u" kwriteconfig5 --file=$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop --group="Desktop Action new-private-window" "Exec" "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u" kwriteconfig5 --file=$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop --group="Desktop Action new-window" "Exec" "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u" kbuildsycoca5 |
Line 263: | Line 198: |
You can also set: * layers.acceleration.draw-fps to display a pink FPS counter in the top left corner. If you see the counter, than OMTC and layer acceleration are working. [[|722012 – [Meta] Implement OMTC on Linux]] tracks whether OMTC has been enabled on Linux. == Fiddling == To tinker w/ browser styles/events/etc, navigate to chrome://browser/content/browser.xul and launch the built-in developer tools. == External tools == Exports styles from Stylish extension (stored in stylish.sqlite) into a JSON file that can be loaded into Stylus. |
== Containers == Firefox extensions * Multi-Account Containers: official extension from Mozilla. Functional but lacking. * Containers with Transitions: fork the above? Unclear if still maintained. * Containerise: Lets you specify lists of sites that should live in containers. See [[|containerise-lists]]. * Temporary Containers Most recommend Containerize and Temporary Containers. |
Line 283: | Line 213: |
* [[|How can I add the CSS styles used by Firefox reader mode?]] * * |
One of the reasons I use Mozilla Firefox is its huge universe of extensions, scripts, styles, and other add-ons which can make it behave the way you want it to. I've customized my Firefox installation pretty extensively.
This list is current as of Firefox 62.0.
Extensions not available on Firefox Add-ons:
fx_cast: Google Cast implementation for Firefox. Needs browser extension plus OS binary
user.js settings I use:
Setting |
Value |
Rationale |
browser.backspace_action |
1 |
Bind backspace to scroll up a page |
browser.display.normal_lineheight_calc_control |
1 |
Not exactly sure what this does, but fixes some line-height/font rendering problems |
browser.fullscreen.autohide |
false |
Prevent tab/URL bar from auto-hiding in full-screen mode |
browser.safebrowsing.enabled |
false |
Disable Safe Browsing and malware checking (don't care for either on Linux) |
browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled |
false |
image.animation_mode |
once |
Animated GIFs only animate once |
layout.css.dpi |
0 |
Use system-reported DPI, always (normal behavior may sometimes use 96 DPI) |
layout.spellcheckDefault |
2 |
Enable spell checking for both INPUT and TEXTAREA fields |
network.http.sendRefererHeader |
1 |
Only send HTTP referer header for links clicked on, not for images/media/etc. Breaks some Websites. |
network.protocol-handler.external.mailto |
true |
network.proxy.socks_remote_dns |
true |
Send DNS requests through proxies |
privacy.trackingprotection.enabled |
true |
Enable Firefox's Tracking Protection |
security.dialog_enable_delay |
0 |
No wait when prompted to install unsigned extensions |
services.sync.addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges |
true |
Do not sync the enabled/disabled state of Add-ons |
ui.caretBlinkTime |
0 |
Disable cursor blinking |
browser.urlbar.formatting.enabled |
false |
Don't just highlight just the domain in the URL bar |
browser.urlbar.trimURLs |
false |
Don't strip http:// from URLs |
layout.css.devPixelsPerPx |
2 |
Double CSS pixels, for retina displays |
widget.content.gtk-theme-override |
Breeze:light |
When using a dark GTK theme, fix colors for widgets in Firefox |
xpinstall.signatures.required |
false |
Enable installation of unsigned extensions (needed for addons not available on |
security.insecure_connection_text.enabled |
true |
Show icon/text that non-HTTPS sites are insecure |
security.insecure_connection_icon.enabled |
true |
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel |
false |
Disable smooth scrolling for mouse input (should use XInput2 instead) |
toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets |
true |
Enable support for userChrome.css and userContent.css |
network.dns.disablePrefetchFromHTTPS |
false |
DNS pre-fetch when using HTTPS | |
true |
Enable dark interface for about pages |
ui.systemUsesDarkTheme |
1 |
Make Websites think OS is in dark mode (should no longer be necessary?) |
ui.prefersReducedMotion |
0 |
More UI animations (sometimes autodetected incorrectly) |
browser.uidensity |
1 |
Make UI more compact |
widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker |
1 |
Use KDE dialogs file picker, etc |
widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.location |
1 |
widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.mime-handler |
1 |
| |
1 |
widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.settings |
1 |
ui.prefersReducedMotion |
0 |
More UI animations (sometimes autodetected incorrectly) |
browser.tabs.tabMinWidth |
200 |
Minimum tab width |
Experimental settings:
network.predictor.enable-prefetch |
true |
None in use.
Contents of my userChrome.css:
1 /* Font preferences for AwesomeBar dropdown
2 *
3 * Adjusts font size, underlines URLs, and corrects colors
4 */
5 .ac-comment
6 {
7 font-size: 100% !important;
8 }
10 .ac-url-text
11 {
12 color: #306090 !important;
13 text-decoration: underline !important;
14 }
16 .ac-url-text[selected="true"]
17 {
18 color: white !important;
19 }
21 /* Use monospaced font for AwesomeBar */
22 #urlbar
23 {
24 font-family: monospace !important;
25 font-size: 14px !important;
26 }
28 /* Combines Stop/Reload buttons, such that only one is shown at a time
29 *
30 * Note: May require button reordering (e.g reverse order of stop/reload
31 * buttons) if the below does not work
32 *
33 * Derived from user style:
34 * Also, see bug 343396:
35 */
36 #stop-button[disabled="true"] { display:none; }
37 #stop-button:not([disabled]) + #reload-button { display:none; }
39 /* Italicize unread tabs
40 *
41 * Derived from user style:
42 */
43 #content tab:not([selected]) { font-style: italic !important; }
45 /* Display keyword field in Bookmark dialog
46 *
47 * Derived from user style:
48 */
49 #editBMPanel_keywordRow { visibility: visible; }
51 /* Hide search and go buttons */
52 .search-go-button,
53 .search-go-button-stack,
54 #go-button
55 {
56 display: none !important;
57 }
Using Roboto or another font instead of Open Sans
- Go to about:config
- Set to "Roboto", "Nokia Pure Text", or "Alte Haas Grotesk"
Font size adjustments
- Go to about:config
- Set font.minimum-size.x-unicode and font.minimum-size.x-western to 14
- Set font.size.inflation.minTwips to "140"
Cache location
On devices w/ 8–16 GB memory, store Firefox's cache on the external SD card:
- Go to about:config
- Set browser.cache.disk.parent_directory to one of:
- /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/org.mozilla.fennec/files/cache/
- /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox_beta/files/cache/
- /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/cache/
Enabling off-main-thread compositing
Set to true:
- layers.acceleration.force-enabled
- layers.omtp.enabled
You can also set:
- layers.acceleration.draw-fps
to display a FPS counter in the top left corner. If you see the counter, than OMTC and layer acceleration are working.
722012 – [Meta] Implement OMTC on Linux tracks whether OMTC has been enabled on Linux.
To tinker w/ browser styles/events/etc, navigate to chrome://browser/content/browser.xul and launch the built-in developer tools.
External tools Exports styles from Stylish extension (stored in stylish.sqlite) into a JSON file that can be loaded into Stylus.
KDE integration
Legacy stuff:
openSUSE/kmozillahelper: kmozillahelper for showing file dialogs, etc. Needs mozilla-kde.patch
Plasma Integration Firefox Add-on along with plasma-browser-integration (available in most Linux distributions)
In Firefox 64 and 2019-vintage Linux distributions, can also use "desktop portal" support.
xdg-desktop-portal and xdg-desktop-portal-kde packages
Set environment variable GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 for firefox.desktop (or globally once crash in Thunderbird is fixed):
cp /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
kwriteconfig5 --file=$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop --group="Desktop Entry" "Exec" "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u"
kwriteconfig5 --file=$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop --group="Desktop Action new-private-window" "Exec" "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u"
kwriteconfig5 --file=$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop --group="Desktop Action new-window" "Exec" "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u"
Firefox extensions
- Multi-Account Containers: official extension from Mozilla. Functional but lacking.
- Containers with Transitions: fork the above? Unclear if still maintained.
Containerise: Lets you specify lists of sites that should live in containers. See containerise-lists.
- Temporary Containers
Most recommend Containerize and Temporary Containers.