Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2016-02-24 06:38:23
Size: 370
Editor: SamatJain
Revision 2 as of 2016-02-24 15:55:09
Size: 532
Editor: SamatJain
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[http://glyphsearch.com/|GlyphSearch]] helps you search for glyphs in Font Awesome, Foundation, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, Material Design, and Octicons.

Use Fontello (open source) or IcoMoon to generate a font that contains only those glyphs needed.

IcoMoon can generate SVGs, including an SVG containing all glyphs that can be used with a technique detailed in SVG `symbol` a Good Choice for Icons.

GlyphSearch helps you search for glyphs in Font Awesome, Foundation, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, Material Design, and Octicons.

SamatsWiki: FontAwesome (last edited 2016-02-24 15:55:09 by SamatJain)