Differences between revisions 3 and 8 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-06-16 17:33:07
Size: 1259
Editor: SamatJain
Revision 8 as of 2009-12-08 11:11:33
Size: 1637
Editor: SamatJain
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I was an avid GNOME user from GNOME 1.x to GNOME 2.2. Like many other users (including Linus Torvalds), I became sick of what I perceive as an "anti-user" stance from GNOME. That is, they ignore their true users (most of the classic, Linux-using and UNIX-using crowd) for some mythical user that gets confused by options. I was an avid GNOME user from GNOME 1.x to GNOME 2.2. Like many other users (including Linus Torvalds), I became sick of what I perceive as an "anti-user" stance from GNOME. That is, they ignore their true users (most of the classic, Linux-using and UNIX-using crowd) for some mythical user that in no way represents those who actually use their software.
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I'm compiling of specific transgressions so I can mention them easily in conversation. I'm compiling a list of specific transgressions so I can mention them easily in conversation.
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 * [[http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=122194&action=view|Blank area above selection in GTK list boxes]]. I, and everyone I asked, thought this was a GTK bug that's existed for years. Apparently, it's [[http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=559775|desired behavior]].  * In many Gtk/GNOME apps, you may noticed a[[http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=122194&action=view|blank area above selection in GTK list boxes]]. A popup menu is created with enough space for as many items as possible, but instead of displaying them, it displays a huge blank area.. The list of items appear below that area and may need to be scrolled, which defeats the point of creating a large popup in the first place. I, and everyone I asked, thought this was a GTK bug that's existed for years. Apparently, it's [[http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=559775|desired behavior (GNOME bug report)]].

I was an avid GNOME user from GNOME 1.x to GNOME 2.2. Like many other users (including Linus Torvalds), I became sick of what I perceive as an "anti-user" stance from GNOME. That is, they ignore their true users (most of the classic, Linux-using and UNIX-using crowd) for some mythical user that in no way represents those who actually use their software.

I'm compiling a list of specific transgressions so I can mention them easily in conversation.

SamatsWiki: GNOMEIsAntiUser (last edited 2015-11-05 23:00:53 by SamatJain)