

If the camera was recording in "upside down" mode:

parallel -u 'echo {}; jpegtran -rotate 180 -perfect -copy all -outfile {}.tran {} && mv {}.tran {}' ::: *.jpg

Resize & crop

   1 # Crop top
   2 find . -name '*JPG' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -chop 0x486 -resize 1920x1080
   3 # or Crop bottom
   4 find . -name '*JPG' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -gravity South -chop 0x486 -resize 1920x1080

For the GoPro HD Hero 2:

   1 # Crop top
   2 find . -name '*JPG' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 mogrify -crop 3840x2880+0+720 -resize 1920x1080

For the Xiaomi Yi:

   1 # 16 MP
   2 # Crop top
   3 find . -name '*jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -chop 0x864 -resize 1920x1080
   4 # Crop top at 4K
   5 find . -name '*jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -chop 0x864 -resize 3840x2160
   7 # 13 MP
   8 # Crop top
   9 find . -name '*jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -chop 0x774 -resize 1920x1080
  10 # Crop top at 4K
  11 find . -name '*jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -chop 0x774 -resize 3840x2160
  13 # Xiaomi Yi 4K
  14 # 8M (native 4K mode)
  15 find . -name '*jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -resize 1920x1080

For A6500:

# Crop bottom, use high-quality resizing
find . -name '*JPG' -print0 | xargs -0 -P$(nproc) -n256 gm mogrify -gravity South -chop 0x625 -resize 3840x2160 -filter Lanczos -unsharp

LDR tone mapping

parallel -u 'echo {}; ~/sys/tonemap/tonemapping ~/sys/tonemap/default.tnp {} {}.tonemapped && mv {}.tonemapped {}' ::: *.jpg


for i in $(ls); do (cd $i; parallel -u 'echo {}; ~/sys/tonemap/tonemapping ~/sys/tonemap/default.tnp {} {}.tonemapped && mv {}.tonemapped {}' ::: *.jpg); done;

Encode to video (WebM, MP4)

# Old mencoder line
mencoder mf://*.JPG -mf fps=15:type=jpg -ovc lavc -oac lavc -of lavf -lavfopts format=webm -lavcopts threads=4:acodec=vorbis:vcodec=libvpx -ffourcc VP80 -o $(basename $(pwd)).webm

# New MPV line, for VP9
# qmax appears to set video quality… lower number (e.g. qmax=25) is better quality, higher number (default is qmax=63) is less quality
mpv mf://*.jpg -mf-fps=15 -mf-type=jpeg --ovc=libvpx-vp9 -ovcopts qmax=30,threads=$(nproc) -o $(basename $(pwd)).vp9.webm

# MPV for x264
mpv mf://*.jpg -mf-fps=15 -mf-type=jpeg --ovc=libx264 --ovcopts threads=$(nproc) -o $(basename $(pwd)).mp4
# MPV for lossless x264
mpv mf://*.jpg -mf-fps=15 -mf-type=jpeg --ovc=libx264 --ovcopts preset=veryslow,qp=0,threads=$(nproc) -o $(basename $(pwd)).lossless.mp4

See for more mpv encoding profiles.


# use one of the commands from above
COMMAND='' # make sure to use single quotes
for i in $(ls); do (echo cd $i; echo $COMMAND; echo cd ../); done

Merge files

After placing all the WebM files in one directory, merge with:

f() { args=("$1"); shift; args+=("${@/#/+ }"); echo "${args[@]}"; }; echo mkvmerge $(f $(ls *webm))

or for MP4:

echo -n MP4Box ""; for i in $(ls *mp4); do echo -n -cat $i "" ; done; echo -new out.mp4

Open-source implementation of Microsoft's HyperLapse: willcrichton/hyperlapse: Open-source implementation of MSR Hyperlapse

SamatsWiki: GoPro (last edited 2017-04-14 09:43:49 by SamatJain)