## page was renamed from innoBright == Phrases == * physically-based rendering * Monte Carlo rendering * operates in image space, no knowledge of scene geometry required * Altus CLI = post-process plugin, made to be integrated in your pipeline management software (Muster, Royal Render, Deadline, etc) * temporal filtering/cross-frame filtering Preserve: * texture detail * motion blur * depth of field * minimize flicker == osTicket == [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23539793/osticket-create-ticket-through-rest-api|php - osticket, create ticket through REST API - Stack Overflow]] [[http://tmib.net/using-osticket-1812-api|Using the osTicket API | tmib.net]] API documentation: [[https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/blob/develop/setup/doc/api/tickets.md|osTicket/tickets.md at develop ยท osTicket/osTicket]] == Wordpress Website == Image slider plugin: https://github.com/kavyasukumar/imgSlider. Need to upgrade to 2.0, works in mobile. Can be scripted to have automatic sliding. https://github.com/zurb/twentytwenty is used by the new (Jan 2017) website. Carousel: http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/ https://wpsimplepay.com/ == Project management == [[https://sites.google.com/site/innobrightprojects/|InnoBright project management]] == Linux builds == from https://www.bitkeeper.org/download.html: * Linux x86 Glibc 2.19 ( 32-bit | 64-bit ): Debian 8, Fedora 21, Ubuntu 14.04LTS * Linux x86 Glibc 2.13 ( 32-bit | 64-bit ): Debian 7, RHEL 7.1, Fedora 15, Ubuntu 12.04LTS * Linux x86 Glibc 2.11 ( 32-bit | 64-bit ): Debian 6, RHEL 6.6, Fedora 12 == Tests to write == * Passing arguments out-of-order (worked in old builds, no longer works in new ones) == Building OIIO == {{{#!highlight powershell # Build script for OIIO on Windows; based off off # https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio/blob/master/appveyor.yml # http://piratepad.net/0rqEZFwrKg # also has a very useful build script #################### # Environment #################### # TODO: Turn this into sane logic # We use these to complete filenames/build targets. Everything is different # for different projects, so we name them all... $env:CMAKE_PLATFORM = "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" $env:tbs_tools = "msvc12" $env:tbs_tools2 = "vs2013" $env:tbs_tools3 = "msvc-12.0" $env:CMAKE_PLATFORM = "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" $env:tbs_tools = "msvc14" $env:tbs_tools2 = "vs2015" $env:tbs_tools3 = "msvc-14.0" $env:tbs_arch = "x64" $env:PYTHON_DIR = "C:\\Python27" $env:DEPENDENCY_DIR = "N:\Documents\OIIO-Dependencies.VS2013" $env:CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH = $env:DEPENDENCY_DIR $env:CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH = $env:DEPENDENCY_DIR cd $env:DEPENDENCY_DIR # ZLIB # Finish me $env:ZLIB_LIBRARY = "M:\releng\altus-deps-$env:tbs_tools2-x86_64-release\lib\zlib.lib" $env:ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR = "M:\releng\altus-deps-$env:tbs_tools2-x86_64-release\include" # TIFF nuget install libtiff-$env:tbs_tools-$env:tbs_arch-master -Source https://ci.appveyor.com/nuget/libtiff-i3h8tqqy7o7b move libtiff*\* . -force # PNG nuget install libpng-$env:tbs_tools-$env:tbs_arch-master -Version -Source https://ci.appveyor.com/nuget/libpng-7hwq4pmmrc48 move libpng*\* . -force # JPEG nuget install libjpeg-$env:tbs_tools-$env:tbs_arch-master -Version -Source https://ci.appveyor.com/nuget/libjpegturbo-o6k4js4y7pjw move libjpeg*\* . -force # OpenEXR $env:OPENEXR_HOME = "M:\releng\altus-deps-$env:tbs_tools2-x86_64-release" $env:BOOST_ROOT = "C:\local\boost_1_61_0\" $env:BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = "C:\local\boost_1_61_0\lib64-$env:tbs_tools3" $env:CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = $env:CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH + $env:BOOST_ROOT cmake -G "$env:CMAKE_PLATFORM" -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=$env:PYTHON_DIR/include -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=$env:PYTHON_DIR/libs/python27.lib -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=$env:PYTHON_DIR/python.exe -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$env:CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$env:CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$env:CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH -DOPENEXR_HOME=$env:OPENEXR_HOME -DZLIB_LIBRARY=$env:ZLIB_LIBRARY -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=$env:ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR -DVERBOSE=1 N:\Documents\GitHub\oiio }}} == Release engineering == === Windows === {{{#!highlight powershell # For VS2015 $DEPENDENCY_DIR = "M:\Dependencies\msvc14\" # For VS2013 $DEPENDENCY_DIR = "M:\Dependencies\msvc12\" cd C:\Users\Public\Documents mkdir build cd build cmake --config Release -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -B. ` -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$DEPENDENCY_DIR ` -D USE_RLM=ON ` -D RLM_INCLUDE_PATH=M:\Dependencies\rlm-12.1\ ` -D RLM_LIBRARY=M:\Dependencies\rlm-12.1\windows-msvc14\rlmclient_md.lib ` -HN:\Documents\GitHub\Altus_Standalone }}} Build with (using max number of cores available): {{{#!highlight powershell # Build everything cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD -- /maxcpucount # Build only 1 target cmake --build . --config Release --target altus-cuda -- /maxcpucount # or using MSBuild & "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" .\altus.sln /p:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount }}} Instead of altus.sln, you can point directly to the vcxproj file to explicitly build a target (i.e. the CUDA version). === Linux === To build a release build: {{{#!highlight sh export DEPENDENCY_BASE=/mnt/megatron/releng/linux-deps/altus-deps-gcc-6.1.0/ export TOOLCHAIN_BASE=/mnt/megatron/releng/linux-deps/toolchain-gcc-6.1.0/ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DUSE_RLM=ON \ -DRLM_INCLUDE_PATH=/mnt/megatron/libs/rlm/lib_links \ -DRLM_LIBRARY=/mnt/megatron/libs/rlm/lib_links/linux/rlm.a \ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/include \ -DZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/lib/libz.a \ -DOPENEXR_HALF_LIBRARY=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/lib/libHalf.a \ -DOPENEXR_IEX_LIBRARY=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/lib/libIex-2_2.a \ -DOPENEXR_ILMIMF_LIBRARY=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/lib/libIlmImf-2_2.a \ -DOPENEXR_ILMTHREAD_LIBRARY=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/lib/libIlmThread-2_2.a \ -DOPENEXR_IMATH_LIBRARY=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/lib/libImath-2_2.a \ -DOPENEXR_INCLUDE_PATH=$DEPENDENCY_BASE/include/OpenEXR }}} == LANL meeting (20160921) == * kokkos * thrust: C++ templte library, work in terms of iterators, etc * legion == Competition == [[https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/VRAY3MAX/V-Ray+Denoiser+%7C+VRayDenoiser+|V-Ray's post-process denoiser]] [https://rmanwiki.pixar.com/display/REN/Denoise+Workflow Denoise Workflow - RenderMan - Renderman Documentation] [[https://renderman.pixar.com/view/denoiser|Renderman - Feature - Denoiser]] == Press == * [[https://www.abqjournal.com/861988/rise-of-the-rest-pulls-into-albuquerque.html|Rise of the Rest pulls into Albuquerque]] [Albuquerque Journal, 6 Oct 2016] * [[https://www.abqjournal.com/911503/abq-startup-innobright-ready-for-commercial-launch.html|ABQ startup InnoBright ready for commercial launch]] [Albuquerque Journal, 18 Dec 2016] == Command-line snippets == {{{#!highlight sh numbers=off # Convert OpenEXR to PNG, adjusting for gamma problems (if output image is too dark) # Manually adjust gamma by 1/2.2 parallel --no-notice --eta -u 'oiiotool {} --ch R,G,B,A=1 --powc 0.454545454545,0.454545454545,0.454545454545,1.0 -o {}.png' ::: *exr # Take RGBA out of a multi-layer EXR file oiiotool Moet_Chandon_materials_S.528x800.currentSL8.timeSinceRenderStarted1m42s.exr --ch R=${CHANNEL}.R,G=${CHANNEL}.G,B=${CHANNEL}.B,A -o b0.${CHANNEL}.exr # Take an arbitrary channel out of a multi-layer EXR file # Assumes the channels are named ,R, G, B, and A (not always true, sometimes it's "red") $CHANNEL="POSITION" oiiotool Moet_Chandon_materials_S.528x800.currentSL8.timeSinceRenderStarted1m42s.exr --ch R=${CHANNEL}.R,G=${CHANNEL}.G,B=${CHANNEL}.B,A -o b0.${CHANNEL}.exr }}}