<> == PBF → OSM == {{{ pbftoosm64 < planet-120704.osm.pbf | pigz > /archive/storage/i/planet-120704.osm.gz }}} == XAPI == I can never remember how to use XAPI. Here are some example queries: Cafes in part of the Las Cruces area: * http://jxapi.openstreetmap.org/xapi/api/0.6/*[amenity=cafe][bbox=-106.792,32.2679,-106.4273,32.3334] * http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?*[amenity=cafe][bbox=-106.792,32.2679,-106.4273,32.3334] All addresses with area code of 88011: * http://jxapi.openstreetmap.org/xapi/api/0.6/node[addr:postcode=88011] Fetch information for a single node: * http://jxapi.openstreetmap.org/xapi/api/0.6/node/630424392 == Potlatch == How to [[http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ca/2011-December/004368.html|open other imagery sources /w Potlatch 2]]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=potlatch2&lat=49.215&lon=-122.903&zoom=17&tileurl=http://a.tile.osm.osuosl.org/tiles/bc_surrey_2011/$z/$x/$y.png == Aerial photography == The National Park Service has a [[http://www.nps.gov/gis/data_info/park_gisdata/nm.htm|data clearing house for New Mexico national park GIS information]], including [[http://nrdata.nps.gov/All_NPS/basedata/imagery/doq/doq_series/html/newmexico.html|DOQs for various national park-containing areas of New Mexico]] (including White Sands National Monument). The DOQs are in MrSID format. == NAIP imagery with Mapserver, tilecache, and JOSM == === USGS === The USGS has made available their NAIP tile server. From Eric Wolf: {{{ I want to see what happens to our server if we start opening up more. So, at least until y'all's traffic hinders our project, here's a URL for a Potlatch-style tilecache of NAIP. The cache is not pre-seeded: Potlatch 1: http://navigator.er.usgs.gov/naip/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/0/!/!/! Potlatch 2: http://navigator.er.usgs.gov/naip/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/0/$z/$x/$y This is caching the National Map Large Scale Imagery WMS layer: http://raster.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/Combined/TNM_Large_Scale_Imagery/MapServer (WMS GetCapabilities link is at the bottom of that page). NOTICE: I personally make no warranties as to how long this will run or it's capabilties. More significantly, the USGS is not offering this as any kind of regular service. Feel free to hit it while others are populating their cache. Given that this is running on a cast-off server in Rolla, Missouri, don't expect too great a performance. }}} === MapServer === UNM !MapServer is needed to reproject from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:900913 (Google Mercator) projection. {{{ MAP SIZE 256 256 TRANSPARENT TRUE OUTPUTFORMAT NAME PNG DRIVER 'GD/PNG' MIMETYPE 'image/png' IMAGEMODE RGBA EXTENSION "png" TRANSPARENT ON FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" END WEB IMAGEPATH "/var/run/mapserv" METADATA wms_srs "epsg:4326 epsg:900913" END TEMPLATE "/path/to/web_template.html" END STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:900913" END LAYER NAME 'naip1m' TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTION "http://isse.cr.usgs.gov/ArcGIS/services/Combined/USGS_EDC_Ortho_NAIP/MapServer/WMSServer?" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END METADATA "wms_name" "0" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END END END }}} === tilecache === tilecache takes converts TMS requests (made by Mercartor, JOSM, Potlatch) and turns them into WMS requests, serviced by the custom Mapserver instance we setup above. {{{ [naip] type=WMS url=http://hypercube.telascience.org/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/iandees/mapserver/naip.map& extension=png layers=naip1m bbox=-20037508.3427892,-20037508.3427892,20037508.3427892,20037508.3427892 srs=EPSG:900913 metatile=yes levels=20 tms_type=google }}} === JOSM === [22:33:24] so if you open up ~/.josm/preferences and add the following two lines: {{{ slippymap.custom_tile_source_1.name=NAIP slippymap.custom_tile_source_1.url=http://hypercube.telascience.org/tiles/1.0.0/naip/ }}} Another test server: http://cube.telascience.org/osm/oltest.html?zoom=13&lat=44.9704&lon=-93.28579&layers=B0000T, that'd be configured: {{{ slippymap.custom_tile_source_1.name=NAIP slippymap.custom_tile_source_1.url=http://cube.telascience.org:8000/naip/ }}} == MrSid → TMS == From pnorman: {{{ MAP NAME "howto" EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SIZE 400 300 STATUS ON UNITS METERS MAXSIZE 4000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/srv/samba/share/geotiff/mapserv_error.txt" CONFIG "PROJ_DEBUG" "ON" CONFIG "CPL_DEBUG" "ON" DEBUG 5 WEB METADATA "wms_title" "WMS HowTo" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "ows_enable_request" "*" END END LAYER DATA "/srv/samba/share/geotiff/Surrey_10cm_utm10_2010.sid" NAME "Surrey_10cm_utm10_2010" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26910" END METADATA "wms_title" "Surrey_10cm_utm10_2010" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26910" END TYPE RASTER STATUS ON UNITS METERS END LAYER NAME "surrey2011" STATUS ON TILEINDEX "surrey2011.shp" TILEITEM "Location" TYPE RASTER PROJECTION "init=epsg:26910" END UNITS METERS END LAYER NAME "surrey2010" STATUS ON TILEINDEX "surrey2010.shp" TILEITEM "Location" TYPE RASTER PROJECTION "init=epsg:26910" END UNITS METERS END END }}} from rasher, for ECW → TMS (similar to MrSID): http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fugro/Setup == Programs == * https://github.com/pnorman/make_changeset — Create OSC files for a changeset from minutelys == Misc links == * [[http://mapserver.org/input/raster.html#rasters-and-tile-indexing|Raster Data — MapServer 6.0.1 documentation]]: Creating tile indexes for raster images (e.g. MrSID)