Differences between revisions 14 and 16 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 14 as of 2017-09-14 21:00:15
Size: 1685
Editor: SamatJain
Revision 16 as of 2018-07-03 20:17:27
Size: 2381
Editor: SamatJain
Comment: VSCode keyboard shortcuts I can never remember
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=== Keyboard shortcuts ===

Keyboard shortcuts I can never remember.

|| '''Shortcut''' || '''Action''' || '''Reference''' ||
|| Ctrl+Shift+L || Expand the focus of the current word, select all occurences in document, and change simultaneously || https://twitter.com/Tyriar/status/1012348877582712832 ||

== Etc ==

 * [[http://aras-p.info/blog/2017/10/23/Best-unknown-MSVC-flag-d2cgsummary/|Best unknown MSVC flag: d2cgsummary]]. Option highlights the functions that compile the slowest. Officially become documented in Visual Studio 2017: [[https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/01/04/visual-studio-2017-throughput-improvements-and-advice/|Throughput improvements & advice]]

VS2015 minimal installation

Visual Studio 2015 Build Tools

Lightweight C++ Installation in Visual Studio “15”

Building Visual Studio projects on the command-line

Generate a CMake project, targeting Visual Studio 2015:

cd C:\Users\Public\Documents
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --config Release -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" `
      -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=M:\dependencies\ `
# Build using 4 CPUs
cmake --build . --config Release -- /m:4

For building a project generated by CMake, and using Visual Studio 2015:

& "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" .\altus.sln /p:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount

See what DLL dependencies an EXE depends upon

# Open Visual Studio Native Tools command prompt
dumpbin.exe /dependents whatever.exe

Offline installation

See: https://www.techtronic.us/blog/post/technology/visual-studio-2012-update-2-offline-installer/

tl;dr: Run offline installer with "/Layout". For MSVC15 (Visual Studio 2016), it was changed to --layout, which must be given an absolute path.

Version Naming

Visual Studio 2012 is "11"; Visual Studio 2013 is "12; Visual Studio 2015 is "14; Visual Studio 2017 is "15".

Boost uses msvc-11.0, msvc-14.0, etc.

Visual Studio Code

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts I can never remember.





Expand the focus of the current word, select all occurences in document, and change simultaneously



SamatsWiki: VisualStudio (last edited 2020-08-06 21:13:17 by SamatJain)