{{{#!highlight sh # Add a user to a group from the command line sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a $username_to_add -t user $group_to_be_added_to }}} == Cross compiling == [[https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross|tpoechtrager/osxcross: OS X cross toolchain for Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin)]] [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27154746/cross-compiling-from-os-x-to-windows-using-clang-and-the-visual-studio-2013-runt|c++ - Cross-compiling from OS X to Windows using clang and the Visual Studio 2013 runtime - Stack Overflow]]. Mentions "-fmsc-version" flag. == Xcode/macOS platform SDK == https://github.com/phracker/MacOSX-SDKs: Archived versions of macOS SDKs. [[https://developer.apple.com/download/more/|Downloads for Apple developers]]: archives of Xcode, etc going back. == Code signing == [[https://successfulsoftware.net/2012/08/30/how-to-sign-your-mac-os-x-app-for-gatekeeper/|How to sign your Mac OS X App for Gatekeeper | Successful Software]]: Easy-to-read high level document http://stackoverflow.com/a/41058295/14878 — signing a .dylib shared library